U.S.A., Inc.
8122 Datapoint Drive
Suite 300
San Antonio, Texas 78229
tel: +1.210.614.9977
fax: +1.210.614.2297
www.datapointusa.com |
Standard DATABUS
Meticulously designed to meet the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) DATABUS committee specifications,
DatapointUSA's Standard
DATABUS product set offers users a powerful package.
The importance of standardization is unquestioned in today's computing
world. Investment protection and multi-vendor platform support
are among the many benefits Standard DATABUS brings to your applications.
With its new features and advanced functions, DatapointUSA's
Standard DATABUS offers portability, compatibility, and speed
in a product set that is available now and destined to become
the data processing standard for the 2000's and beyond.
Nearly two decades ago, DatapointUSA
unveiled a powerful programming language to meet the day-to-day
interactive data processing needs of business. The language is
DATABUS - short for "DatapointUSA's
Business Language" - and today its value in the business data
processing world is both unquestioned and unparalleled. It is
the primary language on thousands of workstations worldwide,
and runs in numerous hardware/operating system environments.
DATABUS has long been praised for its power, flexibility, as well
as the ease of use it offers.
Now, remaining true to the uncompromising DatapointUSA tradition
of leadership and innovation to meet the computing needs of today's
competitive business environment comes the new DATABUS - Standard
DATABUS. Yes, we've listened to what our customers - who use thousands
of DATABUS programs every day - said they wanted as functions
and features and created Standard DATABUS. The result: a new product
set packed with features, both new and enhanced, that users want
and need in their day-to-day business data processing operations.
Check out a few of the additional features and improvements you'll
find in Standard DATABUS:
- DATABUS Interpreter
- DATABUS Compiler
- DATABUS Symbolic Debugging Facility
- Built-in Macro facility
- Improved and extended file access for sequential, direct,
ISAM, AIM and print file access
- Record level locking
- Support for datastations and alien devices
- Aggregate data structures - ARRAYs, RECORDs and LISTs
- Arithmetic and logical expressions
- PERFORM, SELECT and other new program control constructs
- Window, screen save and restore functions
- CALLs with parameters for internal and external subroutines
- And many more...
New Innovations, Time-Tested Features & Speed
In addition to the host of new and improved features, Standard
DATABUS offers the time-proven features and functions of the existing
a language widely used and accepted in today's business data processing
Standard DATABUS also offers speed. In file input/output operations,
Standard DATABUS has been measured as much as six times faster
than previous versions of DatapointUSA's
DATABUS. Arithmetic operations have been measured as much as 100
times faster.
Migrating to Standard DATABUS
An existing DATABUS user might wonder what difficulties are involved
in migrating to Standard DATABUS. There aren't many! For the vast
majority of DATABUS users, switching over to Standard DATABUS
simply means re-compiling existing DATABUS programs. That's because
with Standard DATABUS, the re-designed compiler and interpreter
provide compatibility during compilation and execution for older
DATABUS programs. Standard DATABUS has been designed to be totally
compatible with existing file structures and access methods.
Whenever a new language is introduced, some change is required.
That's why Standard DATABUS has been designed to provide a smooth,
quick transition into existing environments by allowing you to:
- Use Standard DATABUS with existing programs
- Use new language features and functions while keeping old
file access methods
- Write new programs and applications using the new features
and functions of the Standard DATABUS language, while migrating
existing applications as needed